The President recently signed into law the Criminal Antitrust Anti-Retaliation Act (S. 2258) (116th Cong. (2020)), which amends the Antitrust Criminal Penalty Enhancement and Reform Act of 2004. It grants stronger protections to employees who come forward with claims of antitrust violations. Specifically, the law prohibits employers from discharge, demotion, or suspension, as well as any discrimination against any employee who assists in a government antitrust investigation.
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Kevin Connor
Kevin Connor is an associate in Dykema's privacy and data security group. Mr. Connor’s practice includes advising domestic and international clients on issues of breach response, employee training, risk assessment, policies and procedures, corporate compliance projects and revising services agreements to include adequate privacy and data security protections. Mr. Connor also has extensive litigation experience that includes representing clients in all phases of contract disputes, torts, commercial foreclosures, and criminal cases.
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